mini bio

kagero namasie is a young warrior (like around 17) from another land who for along time has had a goal to become a great warrior. He has lived with his grandfather eversince Kagero's parents mysteriously died infront of him on a stormy night never knowing how it happened when he was an 8 year old boy. Most boy's would have been severely traumatized but Kagero has managed to handle it differently but eversince he's had to bear pain in his heart feeling guilty that he could save his parents. When living with his grandfather he was taught how to wield a sword to one day win the tournament for swordsmanship that his grandfather tried but failed to accomplish. He thought he could use this as an opportunity to help his grandson make something out of himself and this was his way of doing it, but, he trained in the art of the sword for another reason he believed he could one day use his skills to avenge his parents death and bring honor to them in turn of doing so.