Zac Compton: Passionate Competitor

Zac Compton is a 20-year-old bodybuilder from Parsons, Kansas, USA, who has been training for four years. On his website he documents his development and writes about himself.

Favorite Exercise: Barbell squat and standing dumbell curls

Favorite muscle to train: Legs and biceps

Favorite supplements: Casein protein, Vitargo Genr8

Favorite muscle-building meals: Chicken breast with oats. This is what I eat for three meals a day.

Workout inspiration: John Cena. I like the intensity he displays each and every time he steps into the ring.

What drives you in the gym? Basically my competitiveness. I get a rush knowing that I can out-work my competitors for the day if I just put in 110 percent effort. Leaving the gym knowing you gave it your all is a great feeling.

Any competitions in the near future? I am doing the Tulsa, Oklahoma natural bodybuilding competition on June 5th.

Favorite movies: I like pretty much anything with Ashton Kutcher in it. What Happens in Vegas is an absolute classic.